A person in Chhattisgarh allegedly opened an account within the title of actress Sunny Leone and has been pocketing the sum of Rs 1,000 deposited into it each month below a Chhattisgarh authorities scheme for married girls. This stunning case of fraud has been reported from Talur village within the state’s Bastar area.
The accused has been recognized as Virendra Joshi, and a case is being registered towards him for additional motion, NDTV reported on Monday.
Officers chargeable for verification of eligible beneficiaries of the scheme are additionally being recognized, as per the report.
The Mahtari Vandan Yojana, a scheme launched by the Bharatiya Janata Social gathering-led authorities within the state, supplies Rs 1,000 each month to married girls in Chhattisgarh. The quantity is straight deposited into their financial institution accounts.
This incident has dropped at gentle the alleged lapses within the implementation of the welfare scheme, elevating questions concerning the verification course of and accountability of the officers concerned.